or rather half a day although it feels like two...
View from my new hotelroom, Bangkok in the morning
(old room was too noicy due to gym classes being held outside)
Me in longtail boat - expensive but hey, this is holiday!
Jumping fish
One side - other side of the river
In the morning I got the Bangkok Post under my door which I very much liked. This country is inbelievably monarchist... Since it's Children's Day today the paper has done a survey asking Thai children about their view of life. 91 percent thinks that grownups should set a good example by showing loyalty to the monarchy. Then comes the wish for grownups not to quarrel and to show respect to the law and be thankful to the nation. Something tells me that the kids had to choose from a ready made multiple choice set of answers...
Another side - Siam mall
Children are invited to the Government House but first they have to search the compound with bomb dogs since the PAD has left bombs after having occupied the building for three months. The PAD is also charged with having damaged the building...
I was awoken by my nice Indian neighbours this morning. They were shouting and screaming all night until I at midnight called houskeeping to get them to shut up. Then they kept quiet until six o'clock this morning when the shouting started again. Now they seem to have left the building though... *fingers crossed*
I had a lovely breakfast and then took a Khlong boat to that golden heap (Golden Mount) to see Bangkok in the morning. After that I have been walking and walking and walking, except from a longtail boat tour all by myself and the drive to some fishfarm with jumping fish.
Jumping fish
Lunch (chicken with cashewnuts) was eaten at the new Siam mall. You could say that I've seen the complete different sides of Bangkok today.
One side - other side of the river
In the morning I got the Bangkok Post under my door which I very much liked. This country is inbelievably monarchist... Since it's Children's Day today the paper has done a survey asking Thai children about their view of life. 91 percent thinks that grownups should set a good example by showing loyalty to the monarchy. Then comes the wish for grownups not to quarrel and to show respect to the law and be thankful to the nation. Something tells me that the kids had to choose from a ready made multiple choice set of answers...
Children are invited to the Government House but first they have to search the compound with bomb dogs since the PAD has left bombs after having occupied the building for three months. The PAD is also charged with having damaged the building...
On the other hand PM Abhisit Vejjajiva says that he will not tolerate any violence against the new government. This due to demonstraters throwing eggs on government people...
This may also be the reason why the Asean meeting hosted by Thailand is moved from Bangkok to Hua Hin.
Cambodian PM Hun Sen is threatening not to come to the meeting since Japan, China and South Korea will not attend. He says it is too expensive and difficult to travel to Hua Hin... It might also have something to do with the somewhat tense relations between Thailand och Cambodia, although that is not mentioned by the Bangkok Post.
Now I think I will try one of the Siam malls Smoothies or Ice creams and go back on the sky train the take a swim in the pool.
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