onsdag 9 juli 2008

How long will Elbegdorj last?

Here comes a second blog post in English, written on Friday.

The excellent blog Asian Gypsy today writes about how the DP leader Ts Elbegdorj tries to blame everyone but himself on his blog. Elbegdorj is a little lamb that will not see his own involvement in the situation that occured on Tuesday and led to the riots and State of Emergency.

As a matter of fact it was probably the MPRP themselves that destroyed all documentation from their 80 years of politics, stole their own hard discs and burnt their HQ. (The building are said to be reday to collapse.) We were there and saw under which flag the demonstrators acted, but if we are to believe Elbegdorj they probably were disguised.

His own speech about cheating was probably done by a ventriloquist of the MPRP. He also claims that should the elections had been fair the DP should have gotten 64 seats (of 76) in the Ikh Khural. This says a whole lot about the MP and party leader Elbegdorj's basis in reality. In every polling station there were political observers from all parties, who have also taken part in the counting of votes. For MPRP's representants to have been able to sink the DP from 64 to 26 mandates the DP observers must have been both blind, deaf and, yes, quite in a coma. Others in the DP are said to be willing to take over as party leader. Hell no?

One may said that Elbegdorj has missed the old saying, that if you have trod in shit, stand still! Meaning that it's no use trodding in more shit.

Besides this, there is very good blog posts on the Asian Gypsy site. We are now in the Internet Cafe for a while before going to the country side. The following nights we will propbably spend in ger camps. But first some lunch, sad though that we can't have a beer for lunch when at last on holiday. The State of Emergency only is for UB, though, så we hope to have a Chinggis Beer before night falls. The risk is, though, with the Nadaam (Mid Summer of the Mongolians) coming up that we are served airag (fermented mare milk, guaranteed to make you lacto intolerant). Help!

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1. Helt anonyma kommentarer kommer inte att publiceras. En etablerad blogg bakom inlägget räcker bra.

2. Du som tycker att jag borde skriva om något annat än det jag gör. Skriv själv på din egen blogg! Här bestämmer bara jag vad jag väljer att ta upp, och ur vilket perspektiv. Detta föranleder bl a punkt 3.

3. Kommentarer som inte har med ämnet att göra ignoreras.

4. Inlägg med rasistiskt, homofobt och/eller sexistiskt innehåll släpps inte igenom. Ej heller personpåhopp eller generaliserande, illa underbyggda ommälen om olika grupper t ex feminister. Här håller vi en vänlig ton gentemot varandra och diskuterar innehåll, inte person.

5. Detta är en blogg, d v s en lång räcka av inlägg från min sida. Om du läser ett inlägg och blir fundersam över var jag står i en fråga så kan det ibland hjälpa att läsa några till för att bilda sig en uppfattning. Att medvetet misstolka mina inlägg leder till att jag inte ids bemöta dem. Och jag publicerar bara inlägg jag bemöter.

Att inte följa en eller flera av ovanstående punkter leder alltså till att jag inte släpper igenom inlägget.